Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A convenient lunch...

Going through the fridge today and nothing really striking my interest. I knew I wanted a salad, but I had no lettuce...or did I? I'm thinking to myself, "Dude! There is romaine in the garden!". I head out to the garden with Doxie's in tow to grab some leaves of lettuce off the bunch. I see the carrots with some of their tops popping out from the ground and they beckon to me. 


What? Am I going to deny myself the sweet and crunchy yumminess that awaits me? Uh...that would be a no! :) Pulled about 10 of them for myself and 2 more for the dogs. They LOVE carrots and its a big treat when I pull some out just for them. Even dogs know how good organic gardening is. ;) Headed back inside the house to clean the carrots and lettuce. Made a Chinese chicken salad with a side of carrots. Pretty good lunch and healthy at that.

I recently bought a juicer because I don't tend to eat breakfast and when I do its only smoothies from frozen berries I have picked the year before. So adding more veggies into the mix can't hurt and is, I am sure healthier. I figured I can take the pulp and make some soups with it or add into meats depending on what I had juiced at the time of course. What does that have to do with gardening? Well I was thinking I should grow some veggies that I could juice. Well there is the obvious carrots and tomatoes, but not sure how well beans would juice. I know celery, spinach and cilantro are very good juicers and in a lot of the recipes. I just have to wait for some of my items to grow and do their thing so I can plant something else in their place.

There is a part of me that wants a bigger section of my yard dedicated to raised beds, but honestly there is no reason I can't grow everything and anything with the two that I have. Someday I will have my own place with a 1/4 acre dedicated to growing veggies, herbs, berries and fruit. Someday....one can only dream...

Ok, back to my lunch...yum! =)

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