Thursday, July 18, 2013

Beans, beans the magical fruit. The more you eat, the more that's still growing on the vine...

The beans are growing...and growing...and growing. At first there were these tiny, delicate flowers that started to pop up everywhere...

And then the flowers turn into little beans! Itty, bitty, little beans. Omg...aren't they cute?!?

As long as the sun keeps shining, there should be a great bountiful crop. I am looking forward to pickling a good amount with the hot peppers I am growing as well. They should all mature around the same time, which is awesome. There are already little green peppers on both bushes and just a matter of time before they are ripe. I tried this last year, but it didn't work out well. So this year I made some tweaks and so far so good. That's the great thing about gardening, you are always learning. What doesn't work one year, can be tweaked and tried a different way the next time you grow. And when you get it right, the results are absolutely amazing!
 I surely know about "failing" on growing things. Yes, there are things that just plainly put, I suck at growing; for instance, any type of squash. I have tried growing acorn squash, spaghetti squash, yellow straightneck squash and even zucchini. I can get them started with no problem, whether from seed or from a starter. It's the part where its time to actually grow a squash is the issue. I call it a race for life, because as the plant starts to die from the base of the plant, the other end is doing all it can to continue to grow. In the end, the plant loses out and dies. Which results in me pulling up the poor plant and putting it into the yard waste bin. This has gone on for a few years now, but I am persistent. I keep trucking along, trying to figure out the why (is it dying) and the how (can I keep it alive and healthy).
So the point I am trying to get across is, if at first you don't succeed try, try again. Because at some point you ARE going to get it right and then you can do the "I'm awesome" dance among your veggies. Because lets be honest, veggies are 99% non-judgmental, its that 1% of onions that will judge you 9 ways to Sunday. ;)

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